Monday, October 13, 2008

Trash that Non-Stick Cookware??

I've recently learned that there is a another concern in the kitchen aside from toxic plastics. The non-stick, 'Teflon' surface of most frying pans are now being considered unhealthy as they are used to cook at high temperatures. Apparently the labels state that they are to be used at low to medium temperatures however the label doesn't tell you it can actually be a serious health hazard.

In a 2003 press release Dupont (owner of 'Teflon') wrote that "significant decomposition of the coating will occur only when temperatures exceed about 660 degrees F (340 degrees C). These temperatures alone are well above the normal cooking range." Then, tests conducted shortly after had shown that cookware exceeds these temperatures and turns toxic through the common act of preheating a pan, on a burner set on high. So in June 2008, Dupont announced a 'greener' solution. However, the Environmental Working Group conducted research that has proven otherwise.

What exactly is this toxin?
PFC’s (Perfluorochemical) is also called PFOA, PFOS, C8, PTFE, and Teflon. It is a toxic chemical that gets absorbed into the food that it comes in contact with and is linked to many health conditions including cancer.

Why is PFC so Dangerous?

Tests have shown that a Teflon frying pan heated on a conventional, electric stovetop burner
can release six toxic gases, including two carcinogens, two global pollutants, and MFA, a chemical lethal to humans at low doses - all for the convenience of 'non-stick'.

PFC is present in 98 percent of our blood and 100 percent in newborns!

How can you avoid this toxin?
  • Look for cookware that is void of this family of chemicals known as PFC’s.
  • PFCs are also found in other products that repel including Zonyl, Stainmaster, Staindefender and Scotchgard. It can be found in fast food packaging including pizza boxes and fast food wrappers (to repel grease), waterproof clothing and furniture!

It's insane how these big companies can claim virtually anything and do not have to let us in on a thing they don't want us to know. If you knew the health risks involved with the convenience of 'non-stick' cookware would you take those risks? And even if you were crazy enough to take that chance, isn't it our chance to take? Empower yourself with the knowledge to make your own choices for those who matter the most to you.
