I have talked about the toxic chemical, BPA (Bisphenol-A) and the fact that it is essentially a synthetic version of Estrogen. You have to know that anything 'synthetic' should not be consumed - our body is not built to break these types of substances down. So, what happens? Negative health issues like cancer.
However what I haven't mentioned in previous posts, is yet another condition that is linked with this toxin - obesity. BPA is believed to interfere with the body hormones that regulates fat levels and helps prevent obesity. Research has also shown that BPA may actually encourage the growth of fat cells.
Pregnant? According to recent research, women who are pregnant & who consume food/beverages wrapped in plastic or from plastic containers could give their unborn baby the obesity issues later in life. This is believed to be a concrete link to increased obesity, starting earlier in life, in our youth today. These damaging effects also seem to be permanent.
Now of course the chemical industry disputes these findings. They claim these synthetic chemicals are 'safe'. I just cannot imagine how anyone can believe this. However if everyone knew the truth, these companies would be out of business. Even if there is question in this - is it worth it to take the chance?